We are thrilled to announce dates of our upcoming ever popular Cooking them Healthy workshops focused on our unique Supercharged recipes. The workshops will be based in Georgie home in Hampshire.
We often receive enquiries from busy parents battling to feed their families well when cooking time is limited, looking for key ingredients and specific foods to include when family health is challenged. Our workshops focus on our Supercharged recipes to help streamline your weekly meal planning and take the headache out of creating nourishing family food.
We will be talking about the most relevant foods to support the immune system at more challenging times, the key nutrients and foods to boost to support the immune system and learn ways to include these foods in straight forward and yummy family recipes.
Focusing on ways to Boost Breakfast, our “go to” recipes when the family needs an immune boost, menu plans and Inspiration for Midweek Meals & Fermented Foods.
We will help you to make friends with your freezer, ensuring you have a stock of delicious nutritious food for the week ahead whilst focusing on the health needs of your family.
As always our recipes are supported by solid nutritional science and we will be on hand to answer any cooking, kitchen or nutrition questions you may have.
UPCOMING WORKSHOP DATES – we will be posting dates for 2021 soon